Expectations are always high when a K Bhagyaraj's movie is out. Amidst mindless masalas ruling the roost, he is one man who cares a lot for a cogent screenplay and that has fetched him enough laurels.
With 'Siddu Plus Two', he joins hands with his son Santhanu. The movie, presented by Moserbaer, promised that much was in store for the audience. Does it live up to all hype is the million dollar question here. One can say yes to an extent, as vintage Bhagyaraj is seen at many places.
Though the story is wafer-thin, Bhagyaraj makes it work by his shrewd screenplay. Interestingly, he has made a script woven around his son. Perhaps the dad has taken an extra leap while working with his son, so to say.
Siddu (Santhanu) and Pavithra (Chandini), meet at Chennai Central Railway station. Interestingly run away from their homes after failing in their higher secondary examination.
Siddu wants to end his life after spending a couple of days according to his wish. Soon he becomes acquainted with Chandini. They spend all time together and ensure that they really enjoy. They slowly start to fall for each other and then come problems and how they overcome is the rese of the story.
Santhanu is cool and breezy. He reminds Bhagyaraj in early 1980s. He is good at humour also. Chandini too impresses. Bhagyaraj has the knack of introducing right talents and Chandini is one more good addition to the long list of actresses introduced by him.
Bhagyaraj's scenes in 'Siddu Plus Two' remind his earlier movies. But at the same time refreshingly different from the mad crowd of films that we see these days.
All the characters in the film do have a stay. Dharan's music is a strength to the film. It has added pep to the proceedings. Bhagyaraj deserves appreciation for making the movie watchable by the whole family with less of violence and gore. However the tedious second half could have been trimmed. The movie's length is a letdown.
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