Max Payne is a console third-person shooter developed for PC 3D environment by the Finnish company Remedy Entertainment, written by Sam Lake, produced by 3D Realms and published by Gathering of Developers in July 2001.Through levels or stages, with pauses in cut scenes where the player is not involved, just look at the development. These pauses develop the story through video and a graphic novel, that is, in these presentations we are cartoons, they appear as just the previous presentation, as well as the image, and snacks in which the characters speak, the Bullets come with sounds and voices of the characters who appear in them, this being a very original and distinctive style of this game.
Max Payne was the first game to implement the bullet time (bullet time), which became popular after the movie Matrix (however, bullet time this game is inspired by the films of John Woo, not Matrix, was developing the game and when Matrix appeared in theaters). When activated, it makes the game action is set to slow, and movements but also lower Max Speed, the player can react in real time for more accurate attacks or to avoid the bullets of the enemies. Max can also do special moves while bullet time is activated, such as jumping to the side while still shooting. However, the effect of bullet time is limited and is measured by a kind of hourglass next to the indicator of the player's health. This hourglass is recharged over time as well as Max Payne finished with enemies.
Also in some parts of the game when a boss or a group last enemy is killed, the point of view changes and we can see his body falling while the camera moves around him.

Minimum Requirements:
- Intel Pentium II 450MHz
- 96 MB RAM
- 16MB Direct3D compatible accelerator.
- Intel Pentium III 700 MHz
- 128 MB RAM
- 32MB Direct3D compatible accelerator.
Optimal Requirements:
- Intel Pentium III processor 1000 MHz
- 192 MB RAM
- 64MB Direct3D compatible accelerator.
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