'Happy Days', a Telugu film made in a moderate budget starring mostly newcomers in lead roles, set a new trend in Tollywood. Aiming to create the same magic in Kollywood is Remo Shiva, who is making a film titled 'Kalloori Kadhal' with 'Happy Days' as its tagline.
Talking to media persons in Chennai Thursday, the debutant director said, "There is a perception in Tamil film industry that only big films could generate revenue. 'Kalloori Kadhal' would prove it wrong."
"Those making movies on small budgets are not even able to zero in on theatres to release their ventures. This trend should change and a healthy competition should prevail in Kollywood. Our film would bell the cat hopefully," he said.
On the movie, he said, "Newcomer Sukumar and popular Sandalwood actress Priyanka Chandra are playing the protagonists in this campus love story produced by Starting Point Cinema. The screenplay and climax would be totally new. We are planning to release the film in July."
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