What is it all about?
The 2nd follow-up of the '3 Idiots' tradition comes with a warning. Censor board decides the age limit of viewing and this flick demands a warning sign on anyone who buys the ticket similar to those we see on cigarette packets and booze bottles.
The Story……of course

Professor Tariq Siddiqi (Anupam Kher) is disappointed with the orthodox education system and hopes to start a college, which lets students chase their dreams. Arjun (Ankur Khanna) is an under-achieving student who doesn't believe in the grading system. He feels his creativity and individuality are stifled by the current education system.
Since they posses the same perception towards our stereotype education system, they decide to go against to it and form an abstract pattern of education system to encourage the failure students of our society.
What to look out for?
You must be kidding. Well that boy Ankur Khanna shows promise.
What Not?

Another on the education system but with a slight difference, it supports the 'gurukool' tradition, where students learn the course according to their caliber. It's a wonder whether the makers of this flick had followed this tradition while making this flick and selected the right candidate suitable for the right department. The writer helmer does a complete hara-kiri and tests the audience patience in this flick which has nothing absolutely nothing to offer.
The thought is mind blowing and any maker if serious would have made a decent film out of it but K.D. Satyam effort is so amateurish that you feel pity for everyone associated with this misadventure. Which institute will offer courses on seduction, bhaigiri, and all that crap, usually no government will authorize such idiocy and guess what after one year students from this departed are successful in their field of bhaigiri, godman. What the makers wants to show?
What was a seasoned actor like Anupam Kher doing in this film? Musically blah! Ashish Vidyarthi disappoints. Pramod Moutho and Sudesh Berry are wasted as the whole enterprise is a big waste.
Conclusion: Don't even think
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